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1400 N 113th St, Wauwatosa, WI 53226


Prior to working with CH Coakley, Snap-On Tools had two situations that needed addressing: individual branches were overseeing their records operations, which caused inconsistency among their enterprise content management policy and procedures. Secondly, the high cost to store and manage records on-site, which included salaries for dozens of local records vendors, and the high cost, along with general security issues of self-storage U-Haul buildings. CH Coakley presented Snap-On Tools a business case scenario whereas CH Coakley would relocate and consolidate the vast majority of their corporation’s off-site records nationwide into CH Coakley’s secure single-source Wisconsin-based local records management operation.

Snap-On Tools also established records retention, retrieval, and destruction policy and procedures would now be managed by the legal department, as opposed to the facilities management. Snap-On Tools legal department needed a solution that entailed not just physical storage of records but also included a vendor that would manage all aspects of the records and advise on everything from best practices for indexing to retention schedules.


CH Coakley consolidated all of Snap-on’s records nationwide into our archives operation and implemented an on-line information management tool, InfoKeeper.  InfoKeeper’s operating platform enabled Snap-On Tool’s branches to index boxes and files from any location prior to the records coming to CH Coakley’s archives operation. Alternatively, in some cases CH Coakley staff would data entry down to file level and upload the data on behalf of Snap-On Tools.  By using InfoKeeper, the branches are now able to access their records from anywhere at any time. Currently all Snap-On Tools branches around the country route their records into CH Coakley, where they are managed by us and an individual ‘gatekeeper’ from the legal department at Snap-On Tools. This ‘gatekeeper’ is set-up to approve/deny any information prior to it going into the InfoKeeper database. This ensures that all information going into CHC’s InfoKeeper operating platform is accurate and relevant to the company’s needs.


In addition to their branches around the country consolidating into a single-source system, Snap-On Tools realized the tremendous cost savings the achieved by eliminating a warehouse located in Racine and right-sizing their real estate portfolio nationwide. By consolidating all of their records into CH Coakley, Snap-On Tools was able to eliminate a great deal of real estate expense throughout the country, and were able to improve uniformity, continuity and ensure accuracy.

CH Coakley Document Management
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